Where do you operate your tree trimming business?

We service Faulkner County, primarily working in Conway and Greenbrier, Arkansas.

Are you insured?

Yes! We carry liability insurance.

Are you licensed?

In the state of Arkansas, there is no license for tree trimmers.

Do you do tree removals, or only trim trees?

We do both tree removals and tree trimming.

How long do you take?

Most tree removals take about a day to complete.

Do you clean up my yard afterwards?

We typically haul the tree off, rake the yard, and blow off the driveway. Some sawdust and chips will remain in the yard. However, we work with each customer if they would prefer to do the cleanup themselves.

Do you remove limbs from power lines?

No, you need to call your power company to do that.

How high of a tree can you get up into?

We can tackle any tree in Central Arkansas; the highest I have climbed in a tree is close to 85 feet.

Do you have spikes and those cool, big buckets?

We don’t want to use spikes with a live tree as it could injure the tree. It’s ok to use them when doing removals since the tree is already dead.

Do you do stump grinding?

Yes, we do offer stump grinding.